03 September 2008

Over the weekend my folks came to visit, I'm trying to upload a slide of highlites but my computer needs a quick kick right now so I will give you a highlite not going to be on the slide!
I was just getting dinner ready when Ryan asked if I was burning something, I thought it was the pot on the stove until I remembered I was keeping some dishes in there due to our very unspacious kitchen. To my dismay, a big white bowl took the beating for my lack of checking the oven before I turned it on. These pictures are from the experience and what is left of my poor bowl!!!

This (above) is what was stuck to that (below.)

1 comment:

King Family said...

I did something similarly silly one time. Back before I let my little ones in the kitchen (I use to block the way) I let Allison use a cookie sheet for her magnetic letters and numbers. Then I forgot they were on there and used the cookie sheet in the oven. Nice, huh?! I guess that's just us crazy moms.